
Lecture 5: Introduction to Data

Trevor Bedford (@trvrb,

Learning objectives

Class materials

  1. File organization and naming
  2. Tidy data

This class requires Microsoft Excel (or an equivalent program that can open .xlsx files); see Software installation for more information.


Project and data organization

It’s important to keep a tidy project directory, even if something is not as the stage of being versioned on GitHub.

Some general advice:

  1. Encapsulate everything within one directory, which is named after the project. Have a single directory for a project, containing all of the data, code, and results for that project. This makes it easier to find things, or to zip it all up and hand it off to someone else.
  2. Separate the data from the code. I prefer to put code and data in separate subdirectories. I’ll often have a data/ subdirectory and a scripts/ (or src) subdirectory.
  3. Use relative paths (never absolute paths). If you encapsulate all data and code within a single project directory, then you can refer to data files with relative paths (e.g., ../data/some_file.csv). If you were to use an absolute path (like ~/Projects/SomeProject/data/some_file.csv or C:\Users\SomeOne\Projects\SomeProject\data\some_file.csv) then anyone who wanted to reproduce your results but had the project placed in some other location would have to go in and edit all of those directory/file names.
  4. Write dates as YYYY-MM-DD. This sorts properly and also avoids ambiguities.
  5. Include readme files. This bit of documentation greatly helps in describing what a folder contains.
  6. Continually up-to-date directory. I aim for a clean and up-to-date directory that is continually modified rather than a chronological directory structure (as described in this article). A separate electronic lab notebook with chronological entries can be hugely helpful for record-keeping purposes.

File names

Borrowing excellent slide deck from Ciera Martinez and colleagues: Reproducible Science Workshop: File Naming

File organization

Continuing slide deck from Ciera Martinez and colleagues: Reproducible Science Workshop: Organization

Documenting your data

Ideally, your data/ directory will include an additional README that (at bare minimum) includes a description of the data (e.g., what the rows and columns represent). Fully documented metadata (data about the data) will include:

Documenting data can be a time-consuming process, but is often required to submit data to repositories. Since data publishing is a requirement for most academic research as a part of publication, keeping track of this information early on can save you time later, and increase the chances of other researchers using your data later (which means more citations for you).

Miscellaneous advice

More excellent advice from Karl Broman

Tidy data

Tidy data is term from Hadley Wickham and refers to:

A standard method of displaying a multivariate set of data is in the form of a data matrix in which rows correspond to sample individuals and columns to variables, so that the entry in the ith row and jth column gives the value of the jth variate as measured or observed on the ith individual.

Data in this form is much easier to deal with programmatically. This is also known as a data frame. This tutorial presents a nice overview.

Observations as rows and variables as columns is an excellent standard to adhere to.

  1. Each variable forms a column
  2. Each observation forms a row.
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table

See for example, single cell RNA sequencing data, with cells as rows and genes as columns. This is also the way that relational databases (MySQL, Postgres, etc…) are constructed.

Exercise on tidy data

  1. Demonstrate conversion of simple example dataset. Work from Table 2 in Bedford et al. 2014, available as an Excel table in the course repo.

  2. Split into small groups of 3-4 people to work from an HI (haemagglutination-inhibition) table and convert to tidy data. Data available as an Excel table in the course repo.

File formats

Saving data as plain text files is necessarily to process this data with either R or Python. You can export from Excel to .tsv (tab-delimited, my preferred format) or .csv (comma-delimited). A few things to note when exporting data files in these formats:

More detailed examples

Further reading

Some suggested readings include: