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Intermediate R, Machine Learning's four-class overview of machine learning using R statistical programming

Machine Learning in R, Class 2: Classification



Intro, course objectives

1. Review of class 2

2. Remind of machine learning concepts - Regression vs classification - link to concepts class - introduce dataset

3. Remind of tidy models - overview of the packages we will touch on today

Introduce dataset - This is where we will ask questions of the dataset and work through the beginning conceptual steps of EDA - ex: What are we hoping to predice? What columns should be included in our prediction? What questions do we have of the data before we start?

4. Step 1 is always explore, visualize the data - Look at dataset - Emphasize imbalance (if there is one) - plot something - remove columns that are unnecessary

Code: glimpse(), count(), some sort of ggplot()

5. Training and testing data - use rsample package to split - pull out training and testing data into their own variables

1. set.seed(1)
2. split <- initial_split()
3.  trainset <- training(split)
    testset <- testing(split)

6. imbalenced data - Reiterate imbalance - Explain why this would be a problem - Explain the term “Downsampling” - What data do we downsample on (training!) - we will use the recipe package to set up precprocessing steps

7. using recipe for preprocessing - Explain the functions a little bit

Code: Look at recipe parameters, run recipe code
Use prep() and bake() to see processed training data

8. Prediction - We will look at two different classifiers (similar to what we did with regression) - logistic regression - decision tree - Link out to more information (concepts, etc) about these methods

**9. Using workflow to tie together tidymodels >Note: Not sure where this should go: Maybe the first class should dive more into the modular nature of the packages?

10. Use recipe and workflow to combine preprocessing and modeling

1. Use recipe with training data to downsample
2. Build a model with set_engine()
3. Start a workflow by adding a recipe
4. Add the model to workflow and fit
5. print fitted model

11. Evaluation with confusion matrix - Again using yardstick to evaluate

Code: conf_mat() on results
Code: use yardstick::accuracy() and yardstick::ppv()